You will be invited to training and orientation sessions to know more about the community partner organization and service targets

Training might be off-campus at the community partner location. It’s a great opportunity to get to know the situation in various communities in Hong Kong!

Direct volunteer service is part of your project too! You can get to know your service targets from your own personal experience!

Discuss with your groupmates to design and write the proposal for your service-learning project!

Towards the middle of the semester, you will carry out the service project with your groupmates.

You can be creative in your projects and have fun in the activities!

You can meet a lot of new people and help them with meaningful projects.

Class presentation is the opportunity to showcase and share your ideas and let people know your hard work!

After the project, you will be invited to a celebration sharing event where you will be recognized for your hard work and also you can listen to all other students share their service-learning experience!