Service-Learning Day 2024 to recognise Service-Learning Excellence


“Service-Learning Day 2024” was held on 6 June 2024, to showcase the effectiveness of service-learning modules through various activities.

A highlight of the day was “Service-Learning Excellence Awards Ceremony cum Student Forum 2024”. We were pleased to have more than 70 participants present at the ceremony. Professor Jeanne Fu, Vice-President (Learning and Student Experience) and Dr Ben Cheng, Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, officiated the ceremony and expressed their congratulations to awardees.

This year, a total of 19 teachers and 20 student project teams were recognised with Service-Learning Excellence Awards, while 14 service-learning ambassadors were honoured for their invaluable contributions.

The forum was moderated by Dr Victor Chan, Associate Director (Service Learning) of CTL. Mr Sam Lam, Part-time Lecturer from School of Communication, and Ms Rosalie Woo, Senior Lecturer from Department of Economics and Finance shared their experience to implement meaningful Service-Learning (S-L) modules highlighting tips to integrate academic knowledge into S-L projects. Student representatives from the S-L modules shared their impactful service-learning projects and achievements, many of which had made a meaningful difference in the community.

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Prior to the ceremony, teachers attended a Service-Learning Seminar featuring practical discussions moderated by Dr Victor Chan, Associate Director (Service-Learning) of CTL. Mr Calvin Lau, Assistant Manager (Education Research Analysis), Centre for Innovative Service-Learning and and Dr Kimmy Cheng, Senior Teaching and Learning Officer, Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning from Hong Kong Baptist University were invited to share their views on the topics of ‘Measuring the Impact of Service-Learning on Students and the Community’ and “Enhancing Reflective Assessment in Service-Learning Modules”. 

Teachers were inspired by their sharings on the impact of service learning on the community and students and how to use reflective assessment to enhance the learning effectiveness in service-learning modules. 

Participants gained a deeper understanding on reflective assessment in service-learning through an insighful dialogue session.