Guidelines and Support

Interested in giving your students a meaningful and fun Service-Learning experience?  

We can brainstorm together!   Our staff can help you arrange and find the right opportunity!

Incorporate Service-Learning into any Module!

Service-Learning Projects under the Centre for Teaching and Learning are module-based, i.e. it is part of the assessment component in a module. They are usually are student group projects within the semester. Students apply their module knowledge to address social problems and needs through the project.  

The format is flexible, which can be individual report writing, analysis of data, service session for the needy, holding events for charity organizations, marketing campaign design etc…

Module Instructors can design your own contents of your creative “service-learning experience”!

Assessment Component Reference

A minimum of 20% of assessment component must be assigned to the assessed elements of the service-learning project in a module.

Subsidy, Support and Guidelines

For more detailed guidelines and support about Service-Learning Projects, please read our “Toolkit for Module Instructors” 

Toolkit for Module Instructors (click to download PDF)

Guiding form for Service-Learning Module Design

Feel free to contact us for S-L module arrangement or more details!